
Plugin is located, after the installation via the launcher, in the directory: Engine\Plugins\Marketplace
If you use the Unreal GIT version you have to copy the plugin into your project: D:\myproject\Plugins\JSONParser

Check your JSON string on this website first.
This makes it easier to understand which Blueprint nodes you need to use. The right side is similar to my plugin.
Start your project and check plugins.

It is possible to convert stucts to JSON and back since Plugin version 2.0.

Object references are not supported. References are only addresses in RAM. Saving them makes no sense because they change every time the app is started.
You could try to read and serialize the data behind the addresses and then create a new reference with the data when deserializing.
But since this is not possible for every object and also very error-prone I do not want to have this function in the plugin.

Please do not try to save (large) files in the byte array. Each byte is an array element. With a 1 megabyte file you have 1 million array elements! This would take several minutes or lead directly to a crash.

Since version 2.4 it is possible to compress data. You can choose between Zlib, Gzip and LZ4. Gzip requires at least UE4.26. All popular programming languages like Java, C#, Javascript should support at least one of these formats.

For decompressing the original byte size is needed!
