Since version 2.0 there are no SoundWave objects anymore which are played via Spawn Sound but SoundWaveProcedural objects. I use this new Unreal class to play the sound directly without using the "Spawn Sound" function. This makes it possible to get control over the RAM consumption. It can also play wav and ogg files on Android and IOS.

In this example the file test.ogg is played in the project\content directory. The error code 0 means there were no errors. If there were no errors the FileID is stored in a variable. This ID is needed for further functions as shown on the screenshots. The event should be executed only once. I used the "Do Once" node here. The events can also be created in "Event Begin Play" or "Event Begin Construct".

There is also a "Stop Sound" event. This shows you when the sound is over. Minimum after 1 second.

You can remove the file from the cache when stopping the sound. It will be read from the hard disk again next time. So you should keep the file in RAM until it is no longer needed.
You can also remove the file later with the node "Remove Sound from Cache". Please do not remove the file while it is playing!

Since version 2.7 Sound Wave Procedural object references can be created. With these variables you can use further Unreal sound functions.
Important! Not everything is possible. In my tests e.g. setting the start time did not work. With larger files there were also problems when playing on smartphones.
Please use the play and stream nodes of the plugin in case of problems with the Unreal nodes.

Load example with the asychronous node function.

All sound functions included in version 3.13. More can be added in newer versions.